Runners are usually rectangular shaped long narrow rugs. The widths and lengths vary quite a bit. We recommend that you measure carefully the length and width of the space that the runner rug is going cover. We offer most of our rugs in runner shapes. Placing a runner in front of the kitchen counter can protect the floor and if a plate is dropped the rug may keep it from breaking also it is easy on your feet. Of course hallways need hall runners. Double sinks in the bathroom are another area that may benefit. Any high traffic area in the home can use a runner.
Some of the following rugs may not be shown in Runner shapes, however they are available in Runners.
Rose Damask 7324
Pearl Mist 1000
Serabend 4541
Onyx 13000
Soleil 7322
Brick 8500
Wabi 7377
Tobacco 5600
Zimbala 4538
Leopard 4500
Zulu 4551
Zebra 2000
Adonis 8478
Sapphire 12006
Amir 8484
Dark Coral 5900
Asmora 8487
Light Leopard 4306
Billiards 8490
Emerald 11006
Bouquet Lace 8539
Maize 4306
Brocade 8482
Golden Amber 5406
Cameo Rose 8475
Garnet 10006
Cameo Rose 8475
Pearl 1006
Copernicus 8546
Garnet 10006
Country Clubs 8591
Dark Amber 5006
Domo 8489
Tiger 5906
Erin 8474
Emerald 11006
Floral Lace 8548
Maize 4306
Garden Estate 8540
Lapis 7006