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Don’t Worry, it’s SmartStrand®! SmartStrand® is the only rug fiber with built-in stain resistance that will never wear or wash off. In addition to its superior durability, SmartStrand® is crafted from renewable corn resources. The production of the fiber requires less energy and emits less greenhouse gas than other manufactured rug fibers. This no fuss eco-friendly fiber makes a wonderful addition to any room and is sure to endure within most lived in areas.

For more information (available sizes, pricing, larger image . . .) about any of these area rugs,
simply click on the area rug of interest.

Karastan Euphoria Ayr90643 Natural 70032
Ayr 90643
Natural 70032

Karastan Euphoria Ayr90643 Willow Grey 90075
Ayr 90643
Willow Grey 90075

Karastan Euphoria Cashel90261 Abyss Blue 880
Cashel 90261
Abyss Blue 880

Karastan Euphoria Eddleston90263 Ash Grey 5913
Eddleston 90263
Ash Grey 5913

Karastan Euphoria Edenderry90264 Sandstone 471
Edenderry 90264
Sandstone 471

Karastan Euphoria Galway90647 Willow Grey 90075
Galway 90647
Willow Grey 90075

Karastan Euphoria Larkhall90269 Granite 80100
Larkhall 90269
Granite 80100

Karastan Euphoria Monaghan90266 Sandstone 471
Monaghan 90266
Sandstone 471

Karastan Euphoria NewRoss90259 Ash Grey 5913
New Ross 90259
Ash Grey 5913

Karastan Euphoria Newbridge90262 Brown 80062
Newbridge 90262
Brown 80062

Karastan Euphoria Newbridge90262 Sandstone 471
Newbridge 90262
Sandstone 471

Karastan Euphoria Rhodes90272 Ash Grey 5913
Rhodes 90272
Ash Grey 5913

Karastan Euphoria Ulster90642 Cream 70031
Ulster 90642
Cream 70031

Karastan Euphoria Wexford90265 Sandstone 471
Wexford 90265
Sandstone 471